Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dear Eleanor {End of Maternity Leave}

My sweet baby,

We have just one more day together until I have to go back to work for 3 weeks. I truly cannot believe how fast these past 11 weeks have gone by. You've changed my world for the better. You made me the Mama I've always want to be.

I can't wait for our summer together to begin, even though it'll be only 2 more months until I have to leave you everyday again. I can't wait for those mornings when you decide to wake up extra early and we get to snuggle in my bed. I can't wait for random naps together, you always waking up before me ;) I can't wait for more walks and watching you look around at all the trees. I can't wait for more trips to see Auntie and Lou. I can't wait to sing and kiss your feet as you swing as I pump. I can't wait to dance with you in the mornings and pray for the people in our lives. I can't wait to watch you grow and learn new things everyday. I even can't wait for the times you randomly start screaming on top of your lungs or  you poop all over me. I'm so glad its only 3 weeks until we get to spend everyday together again. You and me (and Dada) are meant to be together all day, everyday.

Speaking of Dada, you get a whole week alone with him while I work. I am so excited for you guys! It'll be such a special time for the both of you! He loves you so incredibly much

Oh babe.. I wish I could be with you every single day. I wish I could watch you grow every second of the day and continue all of the fun we've been having.  But at the same time, I have peace about going back to work. God has a calling on my life to love and serve my kiddos at school and I don't feel like it is time for me to walk away from that yet.  It is a chapter of life that God is still writing, still pushing me towards. I still have more to learn about being a teacher and I still have more kiddos I need to teach and love on. I'm sure Dada and I could somehow crunch numbers and make one salary work, but I also love love love doing fun things with you, buying you cute clothes, and saving as much as we can for our future with you. Work is just in the cards for us right now and even though I absolutely hate that it means I'm not with you every single day, I know you and me will be just fine with God's help.

3 weeks babe. 3 weeks until naps, walks, smiles, snuggles galore!

I love you so much,


Monday, May 18, 2015

Eleanor {2 months}

Oh sweet girl, we have had so much fun with you this month!

10lbs. 14oz.
0-3 clothing, even though most are pretty big on you
Size 1 diapers
Nicknames: Sissy, Honey pot, my baby, babes, peanut, baby doll

Things you Love:
- smiling! You smile constantly!
- people talking or singing to you
- being held in your carrier, but Mama has to be moving!
- Still in love with your wubbanub! Now you love holding it as close as you can to your face
-swinging in your Mamaroo and talking to the monsters that hang above you.
- cooing! 
- looking around during walks
- big ceiling fans
- your halo sleep sack
- moving your hands and feet as fast as you can

Things you Dislike:
- still when that bobble isn't ready
- being held super close by most people. You like to look out and move!
- the hours of 6pm- 7pm you must be entertained or fed constantly, no in between ;) 
- when Mama isn't in your line of vision when she is exercising or pumping
- when your paci falls out of your mouth in the car

- Mama is still exclusively pumping! 2 months strong!

- Speech services had to come evaluate you this month due to some choking while feeding.  However, they said you will grow out of it and its nothing to be concerned about! We are so so so so relieved. 

- Rolling from belly to sides on occasion but not consistently yet.

- You have really started to try to talk this month! You make eye contact and coo while kicking your legs and arms so quickly! I love love love when you talk with me!

- For Mothers Day, you and Dada bought me a day at the spa with Auntie Sissy and Grandma! You spent the day with the boys and had so much fun!

- On the eve of your 2 month birthday, I got mastitis :( Your Auntie Sissy spent two days over here taking care of you while nursing me back to health! It totally stunk but I'd do anything for you, sweet girl…even hooking my nipples up to a pump 7 times a day ;)

- You went to your first Brewers game thanks to Kristen and Zak! The Brewers played the White Sox and you were such a good girl while we were there.

- We still leave the house a lot! We love to go on walks, go to Aunties, shop, meet Dada for lunch…anything! 

I am so so so sad that I only have two more weeks with you until I go back to work for 3 weeks. However, I am proud to be a working Mama and to hopefully be an example for you!

- You currently go to bed around 8 or 830 and sleep until 5-5:30am! Most of the time you'll go back down until 7am or 8am.  Sometimes you'll wake up around 3 or 3:30am to be reswaddled but we never mind. You are such a good baby! 

- This is the gift you and Lucas made for Grandma this year!

I cannot get over how much you've grown!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to the woman who…

… gave me life.

… put up with my terrible, terrible 2s.

… always let me sleep in her bed, or on the floor..even when I was probably a little bit too old for it to be acceptable.

… possesses deep beauty inside and out.

… worked hours upon hours on school projects and papers with me, teaching me how to study and become a diligent worker.

… always let me crawl into her bed to talk and vent.

… encouraged me to become a Special Educator.

… generously gives her money and possessions...constantly giving gifts and paying for dinners.

… has a sensitive soul that I love.

… is a loving grandmother to Lucas and Eleanor. They adore you.

… has the best laugh.

… is a brilliant, hard-working nurse.

… has a great sense of style, except for her Fit Flops ;)

… always sees the best in people.

… taught me to always be an 'includer', not to leave anyone out.

… is a lot of fun to be with.

… knows more about celebrity gossip than most 50something year olds.

… deeply loves and supports her daughters.

… is a selfless wife.

… often speaks faster than her own good.

… is not the best driver, but she admits it.

… constantly puts others before herself.

I love you more than words can say. You are my best friend. You've taught me so much over the past 25 years, but best of all.. your love has taught me how to be a mother to Eleanor. I hope and pray I can be half the Mama to her that you have been to me. I am the woman I am today because of your love and support, and I can't thank you enough for that. Happy Mother's Day, Mama!