Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Whole30: Results

We did it! Nick and I completed 30 days of no alcohol, sugar, grains, dairy, or legumes. BOOM!

Although I didn't do the Whole30 for strictly weight loss, it happened. And it feels great to say that. But because that isn't half as important as the other benefits/non scale victories,  we'll do that later.

Overall Results:

  • High energy! No more crashing during the day, no more '2:30 feeling', just consistent level energy. I feel more productive and patient with my students and around the house with my love. This has been the biggest eye-opener for me. I absolutely love how I feel eating this way, cannot imagine going back to the way it was.
  • I now know what it feels like to be hungry and to be satisfied. My brain and my stomach communicate again. 
  • My thoughts and emotions are very clear. This is hard to describe, but I feel more in tune with my feelings. I am communicating more clearly. I can handle stress with a more level head. PMS was still there, but half as strong. In the same sense, my joy is greater too. I've always felt happiness but it just seems to be more often and more genuine throughout the day. This is my number 1 reason why i will continue eating this way as much as possible..Having level emotions and being in tune with your body is priceless and SO worth going without a few things.
  • Minimal menstrual cramping. This is huge for me.
  • I'm actually excited to continue eating this way. Never thought that would happen.
  • Amazing sleep. No more watching TV to 'help me fall asleep'. I go to bed, lay my head down and I'm out. Waking up in the morning is easier too (still hate going to the gym in the AM though).
  • No bloating! No sickening "full" feeling after meals.
  • Skin is clear and soft. 
  • No more 'needing' something sweet after every meal. Not even fruit (okay, sometimes fruit.)
  • Shorts that were tight last summer, fit well now. Clothes fit better overall now, woo!
  • Hair is soft, only use conditioner every few days, and it holds a curl now (Silly, but true).
  • I still miss having an occasional treat, but I don't need chocolate as much as I used to. Saying no is no big deal now.
  • And because I wasn't allowed to weigh myself for 30 days, Food/the scale were no longer my greatest obsession. Once the difficult days were over, it became routine. I began feeling better and eating this way just became habit. I couldn't weigh myself so I had to trust that whole foods (and lots of them) were best for me. Most of all, I had to trust that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and if the God of the universe loves me, then nothing on that damn scale should change my  focus. 

Let me tell you, its NOT over for me. Towards the end, I began dreading today as I knew that scale would be available and I know the games I like to play (like eating something bad for me, jumping on the scale the next day and letting that control the outcome of my day). As great as this experience has been, it has shown me just how huge this stronghold is on me. It has shown me that no matter how many Whole30's I successfully complete, I am just as likely to go back to my own ways..putting food and scale back in control. The only way I'll beat this demon is to consistently give up control to God and rely on his strength and grace every single day. As we are in the middle of Holy Week, I am so grateful for the resurrection of Jesus as it is through Him that I can have life, a second chance, forgiveness every single time I screw up. Although I see this Whole30 as a victory and huge accomplishment, I know the journey ahead of me is long.

That being said.. tonight I am taking a hammer to my scale. This girl has inspired me to do that. Check out her instagram..she explains why this is important better than I ever could.

I am so grateful for this experience. For the way it has brought my Husband and I closer. For the way it has forced me to face my difficulties. For everything I have learned. For the fresh breath of air it has breathed into my relationship with God.

Total Pounds Lost: 6.5lbs
Total Inches: 10inches overall

**Just want to say thank you everyone who has reached out to me since my first post. I was am in awe of all of the encouragement and support..and the number of people who have said "I'm the same way". Know that when I said I'm praying for you, I really am. Thanks for the all the love!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Whole30: What I'm Learning

28 days DONE. Feeling amazing. But more on that later..

I've learned SO much over the past 28 days. About myself, my marriage, and my God.
  • It's only 30 days. I can do anything for 30 days.
  • My Husband is an amazing, strong, dedicated, selfless man.  When I told him one day in the car that I wanted to do this 'Whole30' thing, he said to me "I don't know why you keep saying 'I', we're going to do this together." And it wasn't because he struggles the same way I do, but because he wanted to support me. He wanted to walk beside me in this journey and be the greatest support he can be.  I'm not going to say its the easiest thing to do as a married couple.  The beginning of this challenge was HARD. Cravings and detox pains were terrible and we both got a little snippy with each other.  But after a long, honest conversation, we were back on track and I was more than grateful to have the man that I do. Nick attended a beer tasting party, and didn't have one sip. He traveled to California for a whole week without slipping up once.  Everyday I was amazed to his dedication to this challenge, all for the sake of supporting his wife. His selflessness is just another testament to how God has molded Nick into the man he is today and I feel extremely blessed to be his wife. I couldn't have done this without him. My advice? Do this with somebody. A spouse, a BFF, a sibling, someone. If no one will do it with you: A. Call me. If you are reading my blog, I hope we are friends. B. Read blogs/forums. C. Read and Re-read "It starts with Food". 
  • 3 meals, filled with veggies and protein, is enough to sustain me. I don't need snacks. I don't need dessert. When you eat whole foods, you are satisfied. If I'm not satisfied, I didn't eat enough.
Tostones Tacos. Best meal ever.
  • In the same way, eating 3, large, delicious meals will not make me gain weight. No matter how many calories or 'WW points'. If you are eating whole foods, your body will thank you. (Note: I haven't weighed myself yet, its not allowed during the 30 days, but my clothes fit better than ever).
Chicken, artichoke, sweet potatoes. Easy and filling.

  • I can live with no creamer in my coffee. I can live without wine on Fridays. I don't need a hershey kiss after every meal. I don't need diet coke. (But you better believe I am having a glass of wine on Day 31, people)
  • You can say no to people. No to going out for drinks. No to the cupcakes. Its okay. It's only 30 days. 
  • Social situations don't need to revolve around drinking. Guys, I attended my bestie's freaking ENGAGEMENT PARTY and didn't even toast with champs. It was just as amazing and magical without the booze.

  • Those who love you, will support you. We visited my sister and she accommodated every. single. meal. All because she loves me. (I have the best sister in the world though, your sister may not be as nice).
  • There will be haters. Those who don't understand. Those who will say 'Oh-my-gosh I could NEVER do that!' or 'You are crazy for doing that!'..or the even 'Well remind me not to hang out with you for 30 days'. You have to ignore them and remember why you are doing this.  They don't understand. They never will. 
  • When you fast from certain foods, you become more raw. You are more in tune with your emotions and for me, that means more in tune with my relationship with God.  Because my obsession with food/the scale was so strong, that was my main number 1 prayer to God everyday. Everything else was pushed aside.  Although I had to continually ask for His strength to make it through in the beginning, eventually the obsession with food went away and I could focus on other things..  Things/issues/sins that I haven't addressed for so long because my 'food cloud' was in the way.
  • These raw emotions also brought a deep sense of joy. More on that in a later post...
  • Meal prep stinks. Most Sundays I have to rush through my grad work in hopes to have enough time to plan, shop and prep. It STINKS but it is SO worth it. The rest of the week is a breeze. I will definitely keep doing this after Whole30.
  • Eating whole foods is expensive. But I've decided it is something we have to commit to and make room in the budget for. (We didn't do all grass-fed and organic stuff. Cause we're not rich.)
Next post…The Final Results! Two more days, people. I. am. pumped.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Whole30: The First 15 days

Today is Day 15 on Whole30 and I can't even believe we (Nick included) have already made it this far. Although the Whole30 timeline is pretty on point with what you will experience throughout the 30 days, I thought I would share my own experience.  However, if you are remotely interested in ever doing Whole30, buy the book "It Starts with Food" and stalk their website. Both will help tremendously.

Day 1 and 2 = a piece of cake for us. I missed my coffee creamer, Nick already wanted pizza, but we were happy and full. We were excited and so naive ;)

Day 3 and 4 = stomach pains/nausea for me, headaches and fatigue for Nick. This is when we realized how much crap we were putting into the our bodies before. Like I said before, we eat fairly healthy but weren't afraid of dairy/alcohol/sugar/processed foods. We also started getting pretty grouchy, but we knew this is what we needed to do (and by we, I mean me. Nick is only doing this to support me, more on that later).

Day 5 and 6 = Cravings galore and a bit of grouchiness. It was our first weekend of no alcohol or delicious food, so we spent majority of our time talking about how great a pizza or chocolate chip cookie would be and watching movies ;) I also started having crazy dreams about accidentally eating Whole30 foods that aren't compliant! I read in the book that this may happen but I didn't believe it would happen to me. Sure enough, it did. And it happens almost every night.

Exchanging my wine, for Kombucha

Day 7-10 = Nothing special to note. Everything started feeling like routine, stomach pain was gone. Cravings were NOT gone but it just felt easier. Taste buds already starting to change..can't stand the taste of mustard or Franks hot sauce anymore.

Completely compliant meal. My kind of challenge.

 Day 11 - 12 = HARD. And it hit like a ton of bricks. I was tired. No energy. I was over the whole thing. This is when most people quit, and I'm so glad we pushed through.

Day 13 - 15 = Energy levels are high! I wake up in the morning feeling SO rested and ready to go. My clothes are fitting looser, my skin is clearer, my hair is softer, and saying 'No' to foods has been much easier. NOW I know why people change to either a 100% or 80/20 whole foods lifestyle. Yes, I still want a chocolate chip cookie (some say that this will eventually go away, I'm doubtful), but I finally seeing the benefits of eating this way.

Spiritually, this has been 15 days of stretching and growing. It sounds absolutely insane, but I've had to look at a food and say "God I love you more than that food" and then NOT eat it (Note: I feel so ashamed that 'resisting food' is so difficult. It's embarrassing and weak. But its the reality. And I am so grateful to know a God who  makes beauty out of my mess.) The main purpose of this challenge for me is to grow in my obedience towards Christ. I don't want to be a weak woman, even when it comes down to making decisions on what to eat. I want to be a woman who seeks first his Kingdom and righteousness above anything else. Whole30 is allowing me to put God on the pedestal in my life where he belongs, and daily practice giving things up in obedience to Him (Some could say Whole30 is a fast and I would agree). Yes, I'll lose weight. Yes, I'm sleeping better and feeling like a million bucks as I type this. But I see all of those things as a 'plus'.