17 lbs 7 oz + ? Still unsure!
12 month clothing
Size 4 diapers
Size 4 diapers
Nicknames: Ellie-nori-Rosie-Poe, Sug-ee, Rosie, ElRo, Roy, Mama
Things you Love:
- your dollhouse from your grandma
- reading 'No David'
- pointing to Nana's picture and waving hello
- Patty Cake
- dropping food on the floor
- saying 'uh oh' after Mama says it
- attempting to point to where your Mama and Dada are
- pulling pacifiers out of your friends' mouths
- crawling under tables and making them your fort
- buttons!
- dancing to music
- talking to Suri- Veggie Staws and vanilla wafers
- pretending to use a fork
- being shy around strangers
- shaking lamps, pulling books off the shelves, eating cords..yanno, everything bad!
Things you Dislike:
-bland foods, pasta
- car rides
- socks on your feet
- anyone except Mama when you are in a mood!
- anyone except Mama when you are in a mood!
- getting your hair done
- Still not walking alone but I've had a few dreams that you've done it!
- Trying to get you off the daytime bottles but you love them! I'm not too worried yet though..
- You had your first ER visit! :( You were playing with a photo album and gave yourself two corneal abrasions. After you wouldn't open your eye and I could see a huge cut, we ran to the ER and Dada raced home. You handled it like a CHAMP though! After seeing a few doctors and avoiding the sun, you were happy as could be and had an extra Monday at home with Mama and Dada!
- You have the craziest obsession with my water bottle! (NOT Dada's, only mine!) You love to take the lid on and off and stick your hand in the water. You get very mad when Mama takes it away.
Looking forward to your 1 YEAR BIRTHDAY next month!!!! Planning and prepping away! I love you baby doll!
- Trying to get you off the daytime bottles but you love them! I'm not too worried yet though..
- You had your first ER visit! :( You were playing with a photo album and gave yourself two corneal abrasions. After you wouldn't open your eye and I could see a huge cut, we ran to the ER and Dada raced home. You handled it like a CHAMP though! After seeing a few doctors and avoiding the sun, you were happy as could be and had an extra Monday at home with Mama and Dada!
(making the nurses smile)
- You have the craziest obsession with my water bottle! (NOT Dada's, only mine!) You love to take the lid on and off and stick your hand in the water. You get very mad when Mama takes it away.
- Celebrated your first Valentines day (early!) Dada gave you finger puppets and a book and your first valentine! You made a Valentine with Melissa for me and it melted my heart!
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