Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Eleanor {10 months}

Beautiful baby,

Words cannot express how happy you make me everyday. Even when you destroy the house, poop all over yourself, throw a tiny fit, or waste my pumped milk.. I don't even feel an ounce of anger.  You light up my world. You turn my bad days into happy days.  Your smile melts my heart. I am so in love with every bit of you!

17 lbs 7 oz + ? Unsure!
12 month clothing
Size 3 diapers but about to change to 4s!
Nicknames: Ellie-nori-Rosie-Poe, Sug-ee, Rosie, ElRo, Roy, Mama

Things you Love:

- spaghetti squash, pickles, straws, chicken nuggets, yogurt
- using anything as a walker
- emptying all of the bathroom cabinets
- holding onto a particular part of the bottom stair
- bed at 6pm, waking up at 5:45 - 6am
- flushing the toilet
- pressing any kind of button
- eating if anyone else is eating
- 'beeping' Grandpa's nose

Things you Dislike:

-bland foods, pasta
- car rides
- socks on your feet


- You've been very healthy this month! PRAISE THE LORD! (minus an allergic reaction to your medication at the beginning!)

- You have 3 teeth (soon 4) on the bottom and the top 4 are slowly making their way in! Teething has been good for you so far. No fevers, barely grouchy.

- Still eating 3 meals a day, with an afternoon snack. Bottle of BM in the AM, before nap, and sometimes after lunch, then before bed. You still hate sippy cups so I have no idea what to do about that ;)

- I have weaned! Hallelujah. No mastitis. No issues. Now we are slowly working through our freezer stash. Dada can't wait to fill the freezers with ice cream when we are done! :)

- You celebrated your first Christmas! Your favorite gifts were your portable high chair, standing toy table thing and Elmo! The holidays were SO much fun with you!

- Dada and I spent two whole weeks home with you and it was glorious. You got onto a schedule (wake up at 6, nap at 10-12/1, play play play, bed at 6) which was extremely nice. We had so much fun playing, bonding, and dancing!

- We've started to go out for breakfast on Saturday mornings because you love breakfast food and staring at people in your pajamas!

- You honestly love your babysitters (Sissy, Grandma and Melissa). You never, ever cry when I leave and you cling to them as soon as they arrive.  Although I secretly wish you cared a *little* bit about me leaving (haha), I absolutely love that you have 3 women who deeply care for you and that you love back! Nothing makes me happier. 

- You and your cousin have grown even closer these days. You play with each other, fight like siblings and love each other so much.  You are so lucky to have your Lou Lou!

- You walk along everything and use everything as a walker. You've taken a few half steps independently here and there but you aren't confident enough to walk yet. You are so close those, baby!

I love you!

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