Sunday, November 15, 2015

Eleanor {7 & 8 months}


I feel like I say this every month but you have changed SO much in the past two.  You are slowly becoming more and more like a toddler and less like a squishy baby. You're constantly on the move, constantly changing, and growing into your BIG personality. I am more in love with you than ever before, as my love for you multiplies everyday. You light up our world and make your Dada and I experience an exponential amount of joy!

16lbs at 6 month, 16.94lbs at 7month
6-9 clothing
Size 3 diapers
Nicknames: Ellie-nori-Rosie-Poe, Sug-ee, Rosie, ElRo

Things you Love:

- toys, toys, toys.. you love to play
- army crawling, pulling yourself up onto things, crawling into Mama's lap
- saying 'da-da-da-da'
- playing with your cousin Lou, poking his eyes, trying to fight back ;)
- people food, specifically yogurt bites
- doing sit ups whenever anyone lays you down
- bathtime!
- cords of any kind
- talking dog toy
- door stops
- pointing
- mashing banana in your hand
- being tickled by your ears
- crawling under tables
- swingen doors open and close

Things you Dislike:
- baby food
- cuddling, unless its bottle time
- baby gates
- more than one nap


Unfortunately you've been sick a lot these two months. First from your shots, then you kept spitting up (which resulted in a catheter at the doctor to test for a UTI which broke your Mama's heart), and you currently have a bad cold :(

You love finger foods, but still don't like baby food so we are moving on from it! You love chicken, yogurt bites, potatoes, and really anything Mama is eating. Oh, and a giant peeled apple can entertain you for hours!

Still army crawling, and just this week you pulled yourself up to stand! I am so proud of you!

Getting into everything these days! Pulling books off the shelves, pulling cords, crawling under tables, you get into everywhere and anything!

Celebrated your first halloween!

Started Water Babies class with your Dada and Bronson! You love it so much!

Mama is still pumping.. 

We are so excited to start celebrating the holidays with you! Having you with us makes everything feel 100x more magical! Life as your Mama and Dada is so much fun!

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