Monday, December 28, 2015

My Exclusively Pumping Story

Prior to having Eleanor, I desperately wanted nursing to work out. When it didn't, I was heartbroken. Thankfully I had my sister to coach me through the world of exclusively pumping and I am so happy to say that I've made it 9 months (and counting) with thousands of ounces pumped.

Exclusively pumping has honestly been one of the hardest things I've done in my life.  Dare I say, even harder than actually giving birth to Eleanor. I wanted to write down a view thoughts that I could look back on.

Pumping has meant never leaving the house with a pump, a million bottles, ice pack, and at least 2 bags…

…pumping anywhere and everywhere. Churches, public bathrooms, malls, cars, outside, name a place, I've pumped there.

… spilt milk on every crevice of my car, every inch of my floor, all over the couch.

.. waking up once, sometimes twice, in the middle of the night, even when Eleanor hs slept through.

...two bouts of mastitis, which included feeling the worst I've felt in years.. TWICE!

... desperately wanting to just grab my baby and have her latch.

...constantly thinking about when my next pump is, where I am going to pump, how I'm going to store the milk, etc.

.. saying no to certain plans if they didn't allow me to pump on time.

... feeling judged by breastfeeding moms, whether they are actually judging or not.

... obsessing over every ounce, my freezer stash, my supply.. analyzing every number

... having to take a break, sometimes every 2 hours, from being with my daughter.

... milk soaked sheets in the morning.

... sitting strapped to a pump for 4 hours a day.

... only wearing clothes and bras that are conducive to pumping.

... cracked, bleeding, painful nipples (TMI? don't care)

... waking up with painful bricks on my chest.

... pumping and dumping

But at the same time.. It has also meant a lot of positive things as well..
...time to relax every few hours

... happy hormones raging through my body after every pump

... satisfaction of giving my sweet girl a part of me, giving her life through my milk!

…knowing that even on the hardest mothering days, I knew I was doing something right with pumping.

…. pride!

Exclusively pumping has  proven to myself how strong I am . I feel extremely proud of the sacrifice I've made for my little love and I truly feel like I have accomplished something great. I have been able to provide my daughter with enough breastmilk for  a year with my blood, sweat and tears (literally).  This has been just a glimpse of what I am willing to do for the healthy and happiness of my little girl. As hard as it'll be to wean, I'm excited to have more time with my sweet girl!

Eleanor {9 months}

My sweet girl,
You. are. so. much. fun! We are currently on winter break and all that we do all day is play, play, play! You love exploring. You love opening things, closing things, climbing things, eating things, going going going! I love that about you!

17 lbs 7 oz
12 month clothing
Size 3 diapers (still!)
Nicknames: Ellie-nori-Rosie-Poe, Sug-ee, Rosie, ElRo

Things you Love:

- ham, cheese, cheetos, veggie straws, spaghetti squash
- yelling 'dada' in the middle of the night, and 'mama' when you want comfort
- banging on the baby gate
- crawling up stairs
- the piece of wood we use to lock the back door
- pulling the ornaments off mom's tree
- ripping the pages of Dada's books
- crawling everywhere and anywhere
- walking with assistance
- dancing to music
- pooping in the tub
- straws

Things you Dislike:

- medicine
- greek yogurt
- constipation
- diaper changes
- swimming when sick
- prunes

- You had your first ear infection this month :( I've never seen you so sick.  Days of a high fever. I soaked up all of your cuddles but it was so hard to see you so sick. 

- You eat 3 meals a day with about 20oz of breastmilk. I am finally weaning!

- You had your first ear infection this month :( I've never seen you so sick.  Days of a high fever. I soaked up all of your cuddles but it was so hard to see you so sick. 

- Finally big-girl crawling!! Pulling yourself up and walking along furniture still. No independent steps yet!

- You celebrated your first thanksgiving!

- You say 'mama' and 'dada'. Still not sure if you are meaning us, but i love it either way!

- You've been a Mama's girl lately. And I secretly love every second of it!

Love you so much!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Eleanor {7 & 8 months}


I feel like I say this every month but you have changed SO much in the past two.  You are slowly becoming more and more like a toddler and less like a squishy baby. You're constantly on the move, constantly changing, and growing into your BIG personality. I am more in love with you than ever before, as my love for you multiplies everyday. You light up our world and make your Dada and I experience an exponential amount of joy!

16lbs at 6 month, 16.94lbs at 7month
6-9 clothing
Size 3 diapers
Nicknames: Ellie-nori-Rosie-Poe, Sug-ee, Rosie, ElRo

Things you Love:

- toys, toys, toys.. you love to play
- army crawling, pulling yourself up onto things, crawling into Mama's lap
- saying 'da-da-da-da'
- playing with your cousin Lou, poking his eyes, trying to fight back ;)
- people food, specifically yogurt bites
- doing sit ups whenever anyone lays you down
- bathtime!
- cords of any kind
- talking dog toy
- door stops
- pointing
- mashing banana in your hand
- being tickled by your ears
- crawling under tables
- swingen doors open and close

Things you Dislike:
- baby food
- cuddling, unless its bottle time
- baby gates
- more than one nap


Unfortunately you've been sick a lot these two months. First from your shots, then you kept spitting up (which resulted in a catheter at the doctor to test for a UTI which broke your Mama's heart), and you currently have a bad cold :(

You love finger foods, but still don't like baby food so we are moving on from it! You love chicken, yogurt bites, potatoes, and really anything Mama is eating. Oh, and a giant peeled apple can entertain you for hours!

Still army crawling, and just this week you pulled yourself up to stand! I am so proud of you!

Getting into everything these days! Pulling books off the shelves, pulling cords, crawling under tables, you get into everywhere and anything!

Celebrated your first halloween!

Started Water Babies class with your Dada and Bronson! You love it so much!

Mama is still pumping.. 

We are so excited to start celebrating the holidays with you! Having you with us makes everything feel 100x more magical! Life as your Mama and Dada is so much fun!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Eleanor {6 months}

Beautiful Sugee,

Every month is more and more fun with you! This month you have grown less like a baby and more into a little girl (don't worry, you'll always be my little babydoll though). You love to be independent, call the shots and play by your own rules. I hope and pray you never lose that! Yes, I want to follow the rules at school and listen to your Mama and Dada, but I hope you are always a strong little girl.

13lbs. 5oz + ?? still haven't been to the dr because their power went out!
6-9 clothing
Size 3 diapers
Nicknames: Ellie-nori-Rosie-Poe, Sug-ee, Rosie, ElRo

Things you Love:
- army crawling
- walking backwards in your walker
- waking up promptly at 4:30am for a bottle
- laughing at people smack their lips
- playing with your new friends on MWF
- hugging Lou
- getting spoiled by Grandma
- anything and everything your Auntie says
- feeding yourself
- doing sit ups whenever anyone lays you down
- iPhones 
- splashing in the bath
- yelling while we go on walks
- pulling hair and smacking your Mama and Dada in the face as they feed you

Things you Dislike:
- being held close, unless you are in a carrier
- napping
- weird textures in your mouth

You have your two bottom teeth! I am wondering if thats why you were so bad at sleeping, but they really came out of nowhere otherwise! 

Eating solid foods twice a day, even though you don't really love them.

Still drinking Mama's breastmilk (30oz a day) as I am still exclusively pumping! #moo

Went to Chicago at the end of summer with Auntie, Lou, and Dada to celebrate! 

Attended your first Northwestern tailgate with family!

Sitting up on your own with Mama nearby for when you decide to slam your head back.

Army crawling and rocking back and forth on all fours like a champ! You will be crawling in no time.

Finally sleeping better at night with only one feed around 4:30am. I'll take it though sweet girl. Now if only you'll nap..

Celebrated your best friend's 1st birthday!

Started at your in-home daycare MWF, Tuesdays with Auntie and Thursdays with Grandma! You have done SO well with all three.  You don't love to nap everyday for everyone but you are generally so well-behaved. Everyday you are loved on SO well! Each person loves you so much which makes my Mama heart so happy. It is still a struggle to leave you, but I can already tell that the time apart is shaping you to be such a smart, adaptable baby!

(Your first day away from Mama)

laughing with Auntie

being stubborn for Grandma

You were also a model for our friends new bibs! You are so beautiful!

Half of a year has already past and I truly cannot believe it! You've changed my life over these past 6 months, making me a better person. I never knew my heart could love to this capacity, sweet girl.  I love you so incredibly much!