I was so happy to finally be in the third trimester! I feel like its finally acceptable to start washing her clothes and start planning and making all the final preparations for her arrival! Oh, and btw.. I was on my way to my work's Ugly Christmas sweater party. I don't usually wear shirts with cats.
Week 29 is when a whole bunch of crazy pregnancy symptoms hit at once. To begin, my ankles disappeared. I officially had cankles at all hours of the day and it was NOT pretty. Thankfully, my Mama bought me some compression socks (super sexy) and my feet are better than ever!
Another crazy symptom? Cray-zay hormones. I hate to admit it, but I cried two times this week. And by cried, I mean sobbed. I've been ultra-sensitive this week which has left me feeling like I'm going through puberty all over again. After my final, silly sob sesh..I told myself that I have to make a more conscious effort to control it. It's only going to get worse as pregnancy ends, and especially worse once the baby comes. From here on out, I'll be heavily relying on the good Lord's strength to keep me patient and happy :) (It really hasn't been as dramatic as it sounds. It's mostly hilarious because every crying session has been followed with me laughing hysterically at how dramatic I was ;))
Week 29 is also when we took a trip downtown Chicago with my parents for the weekend! It was so fun to have one last hurrah with them before Eleanor arrives!
Nick is so close to my family. I love how relaxed he is around them… my parents really are some of our best friends :)