Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weeks 5 - 10

My favorite blogs (like this one, or this one, or this one), have all documented their pregnancies week by week. Some find it annoying, I find it amazing. I love reading about other women's symptoms, seeing their pictures, and knowing what is ahead for me on this journey.  As mentioned before, I want to document this journey not only for my babes, but for my own memory! So I guess, what I'm trying to say is, if you find it annoying, maybe you'll enjoy another blog for the next 9 months. 

Walking along the MKE lakeshore with my guy. 5 weeks

Week 6 (in sign language) - Taken in Washington DC on our road trip

Week 7 (in sign language)

And then I stopped documenting for a few weeks (oops!). Morning All day sickness and fatigue kicked in and I wasn't up for it. Week 8 - 10, my husband was a serious saint.  The way he took care of me during those weeks was beautifully selfless and I feel so grateful to have him. He cooked, he cleaned, he listened to me cry, he tucked me in at 8pm and let me sleep as long I wanted. He made me toast every morning and left it on my bedside table every morning before he left for work so I could eat it in bed before the nausea hit.  He made me separate dinners and breakfasts in order to find foods that I could keep down.  I am so so thankful to God for giving me a guy like that.  It is just a glimpse of the amazing father he will be and it made me feel so safe and secure knowing that me and baby have a guy like this to be our provider.

You really do have the best Daddy in the world. I can't wait for you to experience his love. Whether you are a boy or a girl, I hope you are just like your Daddy in so many ways. He is the greatest.

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