Saturday, November 19, 2016

My Son Henry: {Quick Note Week 26}

Little Henry,

I'm sitting in the hospital, waiting to be tested for gestational diabetes, and you are going crazy in my stomach. We just woke up and the first thing you (and I) have had is 50grams of sugar from the GlucoCrush drink. Needless to say, you and I love sugar so we are both happy campers :)

Aside any fatigue or sickness during the first trimester, I really feel like this pregnancy with you has been a breeze.  Every doctor's appointment is short and simple. I don't have any questions (I had tons with your sister), and the doctor is always happy with our progress.  During this last appointment, there was a Mama going through pre-term labor signs.  After hearing of her situation and seeing the doctor hurry to help her, it made me realize how blessed I am that you are nice and snug, happy and healthy. I am so so grateful to God we've made it 26 weeks with no problems at all. Praise be to God!

I really think I'm enjoying this pregnancy so much because I know you are my last. Mama and Daddy have a lot of plans for your and your sister, and we think having just the two of you will allow for those plans and dreams to come true.  Truth is, I love to spoil you and Sissy. And if I'm going to give you everything in this world, I can only afford that times 2 ;)

With that said, knowing you are my last is very bittersweet. There is so much I'll miss about pregnancy alone. I love having you with me all day long (it makes that first time leaving you after 10 months almost impossible). I love the kicks and punches. I love the big round belly. I love how much your Daddy loves the big round belly. I love preparing the nursery, picking out paint colors and dreaming of the days ahead. I love finding our your gender, picking your name, and calling you by it. I love hearing your heartbeat every few makes it feel more real each time. I love dreaming about what you will be like, your personality and who you will look like. And best of all, I love dreaming about the day you'll be in my arms. I wonder if it'll be sudden and quick, or planned and relaxed like Sissy. I wonder how Sissy will react to you. No matter what happens, I just cannot wait for that moment when I'm sitting in the hospital bed with you and Eleanor in my arms with Daddy by my side. I know it'll be a joy and love I've never felt before. I. cannot. wait.

The nurse is going to call me back in soon, but sweet boy.. I love you! Stay in there. Keep kicking and keep cooking! I promise I'll feed you lots of yummy holiday foods, read you lots of stories with Sissy and pray for you every chance I get. Your family loves you more than anything.. 14 weeks cannot come fast enough!

P.S. I promise Ill take better pictures on Thanksgiving :)


Sunday, October 30, 2016

My Wild Child

Little girl,

These days you are just like a sour patch kid… sour and then sweet ;)

Because I wouldn't let you play with my expensive camera..

You love to asked to be picked up, press any kind of button (usually on the microwave while I'm cooking), demand me over your Daddy, sometimes hit, and destroy every room of the house.

always coloring or playing with stickers/playdough

But then you'll give the sweetest kisses, ask so politely for a snack, treat your dolls with tender love and care, ask to kiss me and Daddy at the same time, or just say "hi mommy, hi" in your sweet little voice (which completely melts my heart).

Some moments of the day are hard, but they pass so quickly.  You are my little diva, but you truly are not that bad of a toddler just yet. You are incredibly smart and SO so so much fun! You love life. You love to play games, you laugh at anything and everything, and just want to go on as many adventures as possible. I tease when I say that I hope your brother is calm, unlike you. It's true you keep me on my toes, but you've shown me what life is really about. I wouldn't change you and your wild heart for the world! God made you perfectly. Perfect for me.

Always refusing to smile on command

looking like a diva on your way to church

Probably demanding for me to follow you. You love to tell me to 'get up' and 'come'. I can never say no :)

The only attempt you allowed.

So Daddy and I snuck a picture of just the two of us while you dumped a cup of water all over your pretty dress *insert monkey covering eyes emoji*

Even refusing pictures with your favorite person in the world, Abby Cadabby

I hope you stay wild and free your whole life.

I also hope we're best friends forever.

Love you sugar bear,


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall Photo Dump

We've had so much fun as a family this Fall! It stinks being back at work but I live for the weekends! We try to cram lots of fun in while balancing it with plenty of relaxing and laziness :)

Crazy girl!

Snuggling afterwork with my two babies. Becoming our tradition.

 Sporting her new clothes from Canada from Grandma and Grandpa

Family trip to Chicago!

Dressed up for church

 Fall Fun with the Mezas

Making Halloween cookies!

Trick or Treating #1 with Abby Cadabby and Banana Daddy!


Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Story of Number Two

June 13, 2016 was another day that will forever be etched in my heart and mind.  I took a pregnancy test, a few days early, and found out Nick and I were going to be given another gift from God. Just as I did when I found out about Eleanor, I couldn't help but fall to my knees and praise the Lord for this blessing.  In this incredibly dark world, I cannot believe I get to experience this joy of being a mother again.

Because one is never enough.

The first person I told was, of course, Eleanor since Nick was at work.  She didn't really care ;). To surprise Nick when he got home, I told him that I rearranged Eleanor's room (something I had been threatening to do). He laughed as it was only the first week of summer break and we went upstairs. When he opened the door, he saw Eleanor's crib decorated with a banner that said "#2 Due Feb. 17" with balloons! He was shocked as we had only tried for one month, and started jumping up and down! Ha! It was so stinkin' cute and fun.

Not too excited at this point ;)

I told my sister by Facetiming her. As soon as she opened her screen, I had it on the positive pregnancy test!  I told my Mama by pretending like I wanted to show her something I bought for Eleanor from Carters that I thought was really cute.  (It was a onesie that said "best sister ever!") Both she and my sister knew I was beginning to try but both were so so excited! Nick told my Dad by trying to slyly asK him what he was gonna do when he has two babies to take care of...Papa was thrilled!

The first trimester was the exact same as it was with Eleanor. Extremely tired and nauseous. I hated coffee, meat, and vegetables. I wanted all of the carbs in the world! It wasn't until week 14 that I started to feel more like myself again.

The very beginning. 

Its true, you do pop sooner with the second!

16 weeks.

17 weeks

At 19 weeks, we had our big ultrasound! Baby looked great and we found out we're having a BOY!!! To say we were surprised would be an understatement.  From the beginning we've both thought it would be another girl (even though lots of people didn't agree!), so we were quite shocked when we saw the opposite!  At the same time though, we were SO STINKIN' EXCITED! Guys, I have a SON! We got to go out to dinner by ourselves afterwards (Thanks Grandma!) and we celebrated with tacos and a virgin margarita! 
on our dinner date!

Over dinner is when we decided on our name for our son… Henry Edward.  Before we even conceived Eleanor, Henry has been our top name for a boy with no specific reason. I technically picked Eleanor's name so I wanted to leave this one up to Nick but thankfully we both love it. Going into the ultrasound though, and even before he was conceived him, we knew our son would be Henry.

Edward is after my Dad.  Like Eleanor, we wanted Henry to be named after someone we both deeply love and adore.  My father has been my lifelong teacher..always answering my hundreds of questions and showing me how things work. The biggest lesson he taught me, however, was the strength of his love for me through his generosity and thousands of acts of service towards me.  It because of this love that I felt like I was able to grow up confident in who I was because I had him in my corner…and I felt comfortable to expect that same type of love and service from my future husband. Enter Nick. My dad and Nick are extremely close (and very similar!)  Dare I even say best of friends. My dad has taught Nick hundreds of things related to cars/houses/building/decks/tools/everything! They love to golf and enjoy delicious beer together.  They've had exactly one fight in the entire duration of their fight (which they love to joke about) and really get along like two peas in a pod. Best of all, my dad is absolutely hilarious.  Truly the funniest person I've ever known. Even on days when I've been extremely sad, he's always known how to make a joke to turn the mood around. Not to mention the fact that Lucas and Eleanor are completely OBSESSED with their Papa. They both constantly ask for him and love to play with him as much as they can! We are so honored to name our son after a man who brings us so much joy and love! 

To share the news with our family, we tied pink balloons to Eleanor and blue to Lucas (with a bit of a fight!). Everyone turned around, and we cut the pink balloons to show only the blue ones remaining when they turned around! It was such a fun surprise and I'm so glad we captured it on film because pictures don't do it justice!

Waving bye bye to the pink balloons!

HA! I was a little excited


Feeling so complete with my family of four

21.5 weeks

To my little Henry,

I'm sorry I don't take beautiful belly pictures in front of carefully crafted chalkboards. This definitely does not reflect the excitement your father and I have for your arrival! You are an answer to a thousand prayers.  We've dreamed about you forever and cannot believe we get to be parents to you, our son. We dream about what you'll be like everyday! Will you be wild and crazy like your sister? Will you love sports like your Daddy? Will you have blue eyes and curly blonde hair too? Whatever you look like or act like, I love you. Your mother is absolutely crazy about you. I already think you're perfect. I cannot wait to meet you. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and show you how much I love you. You have a mommy, daddy, and sister who cannot wait to have you as a part of our family.

I love you little baby,

p.s. your sissy loves you so much already!