Thursday, March 23, 2017

Henry Edward {Birth Story}

My Precious Son,

You've already been with us for 12 days (previously written) but it feels like we've known you forever.  You've completed our family in the most beautiful way and I honestly cannot remember life before you.  February 23 was a beautiful day and I want to record it so that I'll never forget the details of the day I met my precious son.

Because I stayed at 2cm for a few weeks and had a 'proven pelvis', the doctor set to induce me at 40 weeks + 1 day. I may have waited longer like I did with your sister, but had to consider who would be available to watch your sister while Daddy and I were in the hospital.  Thursday, February 23 would be the perfect date.

We were set to be at the hospital at 5am Thursday morning. Daddy and I left the house around 3:45am to grab breakfast at iHop since we knew the day would be long.  We were amongst some interesting company but it allowed for a lot of laughs between the both of us.  We quickly ate our breakfasts while nervously talking about what the day would hold. If you'd be okay, if you'd have hair, how your sister would react, if labor would go smoothly.  Your Dad is a rock and had no worries, but I just wanted to get to the hospital to get it all started. I wanted needed to know you would be okay.

Just like with your sister, we were the only ones on the floor when we checked into the Labor and Delivery.  We were assigned to a sweet nurse named Jodie who was learning to be an OB nurse.  She was so kind and attentive which put me right at ease. By 6am, the pitocin and first round of penicillin (for strep b) was started. I was still only 2 cm so Dad and I started to walk.

We walked the halls of the floor...Dad pushing my IV cart, me waddling along next to him. Of course your Dad made crazy jokes, trying to make me laugh, and insisted that I touch the wall every time I got to an end of a hallway as if I was in some sort of relay race.  We talked about the crazy number of nurses on staff, how we wished our room was facing Costco, and wondered about how your sister was doing at home with Grandma.

By 9:20, we saw the doctor for the first time.  I was still only 2cm and she broke my water.  This is when things really started to take off.  Dad and I maybe went on one more 15 minute walk, but the contractions started to get quite painful. Once we returned to the room and got everything hooked back up,  I didn't do much talking. Just like with your sister, I would wave my hand at Dad to signal that a contraction was coming and he would rub my lower back as hard as he could while I tried to breathe through it. Everyone says contractions on pitocin are the worst, and I completely agree. They were close together and strong, taking my breath away each time.  Even though I was only 2 cm at the last check, I asked for the epidural.

By 11:00, the epidural was in and I was at 4cm.  The doctor who administered my epidural was amazing (late, but amazing). He was extremely quick and perfectly distracted me through the hard parts. Your daddy wasn't allowed in the room, but the nurse was a true comfort as I prayed for the Lord to help me be still.  Once it was in, the relief was immediate. I was on cloud 9!

Unfortunately, the nurse quickly noticed that with every contraction, your heart rate would drop. She had me switching positions to see where you were happiest.  Although that helped, she was still alarmed. This also happened with your sister, but not as severely.  Thankfully, the doctor was in the room by 1pm and it was time for me to push!

I was given oxygen for a few minutes prior to pushing to help with your heart rate. Then, I gave 3 strong pushes during one contraction and you were out! There was a slight delay as the cord was wrapped around your neck (hence the heart rate dropping), but you were on my chest in no time.  Your Dad and I cried and cried. You were perfect. You were finally here. And we were so so so in love.

After skin to skin, you were taken off my chest to get checked out, then given back to me so I could try to nurse you. Thankfully, you latched on like a champ, but the nurse noticed that you were breathing too quickly.  The neonatologist came in and said it could be because you came out so fast and didn't have time to push the fluids from your lungs, or because you had a respiratory infection from the strep B. I had received 2 doses of antibiotics, but I was still so scared. I knew, however, the best place for you would be on my chest doing skin to skin.  Thanks be to God, this worked! Within an hour or two, you were breathing normally.

Within a few hours, your sister and the rest of the family came to meet you.  When your sister came in, I could barely handle my emotions. To have two perfect babies finally in my arms was completely overwhelming. Eleanor was immediately in love with you and so so kind towards you.  It was a slice of heaven in that hospital room.

I love you so much! I am so grateful God chose me to be your mom!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

My {almost} 2 year old, a few notes

How are you almost a month from being two? I want to record your every move so that I never forget this stage. Everyday with you is a wild adventure. You surprise me with the words that you know and skills that you have. You are completely sassy and ridiculously loving at the same time.  You can throw the biggest tantrum over completely nothing, but I deeply miss you the second you go to bed.

Some of crazy things you say I never want to forget: "STAY!" (when you want us to go away, like when you go potty), "Eleanors the boss!" (because I like to remind you that I'm the boss), "happy do!" (you say this when you are enjoying what we are doing or feeling happy. We have no idea where this came from but we all say it constantly when we are happy!), "chich!" for church, "BEEB!" (when you are mimicking how Daddy and I call each other 'babe'), "stronger!!" (you love to randomly tell us how strong you are while flexing your muscles)

Other random things:

You moved to a big girl bed over Thanksgiving break! The transition was really easy as pie for you!

We also focused a lot on potty training over Thanksgiving Break! Thanks to your auntie and Lou, you've been interested in the potty for awhile...and you've transitioned pretty easily. You still have accidents here and there but you usually wake up dry after naps/in the morning. You are such a smart girl and I'm so proud of you!

You love Mickey Mouse, Elena and being a Mama to babydolls. You also got a kitchen for Christmas which is easily your favorite toy!

You can say up to 4-5 words together these days!

your 'cheese!' face is pretty intense!

You painted your daddy a mug for Christmas and he has used it everyday since. He loves it and you love to remind him that "I paint that!"

You love to play in the water and 'wash your hands' while dumping water everywhere.

You've been sick with the stomach flu quite a bit this winter :(

 We took you to your first movie over winter was an adventure to say the least, but we made it through the whole thing! You also ate more popcorn than Daddy and I together!

Christmas was so fun with you this year. You loved leaving cookies and coffee out for Santa, although you look very unsure!

Ready to go shopping with Grandma!

As close as you would get to Santa

I love you baby girl.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Dear Henry {Week 35}

Dear Henry,

We're almost 5 weeks away from your due date. 5 weeks from our lives being turned upside down in the best way possible. 5 weeks until our family of 4 is complete.  We're completely in love with your beautiful sister, but the 3 of us know we're missing one piece.  And that piece is you.

You are active as ever. You immediately wake up and kick me when you hear your Sissy on the monitor. You love my sweet snacks every evening and kicking my right side so hard until I push you back in. When I rub you, you always kick back. I think you're just as excited as we are :)

This pregnancy has really been wonderful.  Mama's ankles are beginning to grow and getting out of bed in the middle of the night is quite difficult, but I have no complaints. I've soaked up every second of you in my belly, knowing you are my last, trying to never forget how you feel inside me.

When I see boys of all ages, I dream about what you will be like. I wonder if you'll love the Cubs as much as your Daddy. Or if you'll be artistic like he is.  I wonder if you'll be wild like your sister, or calm and cool.  I wonder if you'll love trucks like your cousin Lou, or playing pretend like your Sissy.   I just cannot wait to get to know you. I cannot wait to see your little face and squishy body. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and know you are healthy and perfect.

Week 27
Week 32 w/cousin Owen at 29!

Week 34

Mama loves you so much, little boy. Stay in there and keep cooking. I promise I'll try to take it easy like everyone keeps telling me. And of course feeding you as many sweets as I can ;) I love you, I love you, I love you!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

My Son Henry: {Quick Note Week 26}

Little Henry,

I'm sitting in the hospital, waiting to be tested for gestational diabetes, and you are going crazy in my stomach. We just woke up and the first thing you (and I) have had is 50grams of sugar from the GlucoCrush drink. Needless to say, you and I love sugar so we are both happy campers :)

Aside any fatigue or sickness during the first trimester, I really feel like this pregnancy with you has been a breeze.  Every doctor's appointment is short and simple. I don't have any questions (I had tons with your sister), and the doctor is always happy with our progress.  During this last appointment, there was a Mama going through pre-term labor signs.  After hearing of her situation and seeing the doctor hurry to help her, it made me realize how blessed I am that you are nice and snug, happy and healthy. I am so so grateful to God we've made it 26 weeks with no problems at all. Praise be to God!

I really think I'm enjoying this pregnancy so much because I know you are my last. Mama and Daddy have a lot of plans for your and your sister, and we think having just the two of you will allow for those plans and dreams to come true.  Truth is, I love to spoil you and Sissy. And if I'm going to give you everything in this world, I can only afford that times 2 ;)

With that said, knowing you are my last is very bittersweet. There is so much I'll miss about pregnancy alone. I love having you with me all day long (it makes that first time leaving you after 10 months almost impossible). I love the kicks and punches. I love the big round belly. I love how much your Daddy loves the big round belly. I love preparing the nursery, picking out paint colors and dreaming of the days ahead. I love finding our your gender, picking your name, and calling you by it. I love hearing your heartbeat every few makes it feel more real each time. I love dreaming about what you will be like, your personality and who you will look like. And best of all, I love dreaming about the day you'll be in my arms. I wonder if it'll be sudden and quick, or planned and relaxed like Sissy. I wonder how Sissy will react to you. No matter what happens, I just cannot wait for that moment when I'm sitting in the hospital bed with you and Eleanor in my arms with Daddy by my side. I know it'll be a joy and love I've never felt before. I. cannot. wait.

The nurse is going to call me back in soon, but sweet boy.. I love you! Stay in there. Keep kicking and keep cooking! I promise I'll feed you lots of yummy holiday foods, read you lots of stories with Sissy and pray for you every chance I get. Your family loves you more than anything.. 14 weeks cannot come fast enough!

P.S. I promise Ill take better pictures on Thanksgiving :)


Sunday, October 30, 2016

My Wild Child

Little girl,

These days you are just like a sour patch kid… sour and then sweet ;)

Because I wouldn't let you play with my expensive camera..

You love to asked to be picked up, press any kind of button (usually on the microwave while I'm cooking), demand me over your Daddy, sometimes hit, and destroy every room of the house.

always coloring or playing with stickers/playdough

But then you'll give the sweetest kisses, ask so politely for a snack, treat your dolls with tender love and care, ask to kiss me and Daddy at the same time, or just say "hi mommy, hi" in your sweet little voice (which completely melts my heart).

Some moments of the day are hard, but they pass so quickly.  You are my little diva, but you truly are not that bad of a toddler just yet. You are incredibly smart and SO so so much fun! You love life. You love to play games, you laugh at anything and everything, and just want to go on as many adventures as possible. I tease when I say that I hope your brother is calm, unlike you. It's true you keep me on my toes, but you've shown me what life is really about. I wouldn't change you and your wild heart for the world! God made you perfectly. Perfect for me.

Always refusing to smile on command

looking like a diva on your way to church

Probably demanding for me to follow you. You love to tell me to 'get up' and 'come'. I can never say no :)

The only attempt you allowed.

So Daddy and I snuck a picture of just the two of us while you dumped a cup of water all over your pretty dress *insert monkey covering eyes emoji*

Even refusing pictures with your favorite person in the world, Abby Cadabby

I hope you stay wild and free your whole life.

I also hope we're best friends forever.

Love you sugar bear,


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall Photo Dump

We've had so much fun as a family this Fall! It stinks being back at work but I live for the weekends! We try to cram lots of fun in while balancing it with plenty of relaxing and laziness :)

Crazy girl!

Snuggling afterwork with my two babies. Becoming our tradition.

 Sporting her new clothes from Canada from Grandma and Grandpa

Family trip to Chicago!

Dressed up for church

 Fall Fun with the Mezas

Making Halloween cookies!

Trick or Treating #1 with Abby Cadabby and Banana Daddy!